Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Holistic development of a child is our aim which encompasses right and proportional growth of physical, intellectual, emotional, social aspects of a child’s personality. All these aspects are inter connected and inter dependent on each other.

What academics is for intellectual , what sports is for physical , mental health is for emotional and social growth and well being in a child.

Just like how a teacher imparts, guides and moulds the childs intellectual and physical domain, the school counsellor does it for the psychological domain of the child.

Yes teachers themselves do a wonderful role in all the domains of the child development. The teacher being already fully and completely engaged in their special domains in today’s education system calls for a separate guide and support(school counsellor) for the psychological well being of the child.

Mental health is as important as Physical health. Both are inter connected and inter dependent on each other.

Let's reach your future goalstogether!